Franklin County Chamber of Commerce

Franklin County Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization dedicated to strengthening and sustaining economic and civic vitality in our region. We fulfill our mission through: • Advocacy for business • Communication and collaboration among members, business community organizations, and public officials • Promotion of Franklin County • Information and referrals • Member benefits, seminars and counseling services Incorporated in 1919, the Chamber is a private organization funded primarily by annual investments made by member businesses. A volunteer board of directors governs the Chamber, an organization of business leaders who work to improve their community and the area’s business climate. The Chamber office, in Historic Deerfield, Massachusetts, serves as a central location for brochures, maps, guides, and information about local points of interest and commercial resources. In our role as one of 16 Regional Tourism Councils, we have a close affiliation with the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism.

PO Box 6, 79 Old Main Street
Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342

(413) 773-5463